BY eSignly
Electronic signature software is used by organizations worldwide to automate and speed up the organization's working procedure. Digital signature solutions are gaining popularity in different sectors like healthcare, hospitality, government aut....
BY eSignly
Be it signing a document, making an agreement, accepting a courier package or making payments, generating purchase orders, etc. We have either seen or used the best esignature service. One such area where we have started using such the best e si....
BY eSignly
Many believe that these changes could not have happened sooner. A slew of digital startups has been rising up over the years, eager to take on the incumbents. This would have happened much sooner than expected if there hadn't been a global ....
BY eSignly
The work environment has drastically changed.Before the COVID-19 pandemic, employers and employees were already exploring the possibilities of "work anywhere" technology. eSignatures offered the paperless, frictionless flexibility that made work....
BY eSignly
Fintech is rapidly evolving, and with it comes innovative technologies that have transformed how financial transactions take place. One such technological advance that has gained significant traction is eSignature capture APIs being included within f....
BY eSignly
They are digital-savvy consumers today who demand business through online portals and therefore there is a burning need to convert all of the procedures to the digital format or platform for better prospects of the business in any company, including ....
BY eSignly
And why not? People in most parts of the world are becoming techno-savvy, they cannot do without technology. Smartphones are used almost everywhere in the world. Mobile applications are making life easier, e-commerce is making shopping pleasant. Expe....
BY eSignly
The need for contactless transactions combined with a demand for building a smoother and faster communication process between the remotely working staff and company and other stakeholders has pushed the business community to adopt signature solutions....
BY eSignly
Paperwork Is a Crucial Aspect of Any Business, and It Can Be Tedious. Electronic signatures are more effective and reduce risks. A construction company can securely sign critical business documents like cost estimates, purchase orders, and ....
BY eSignly
The UK is set to roll out electronic prescriptions across the nation which means that all prescriptions by GPs are going to be issued through digital platforms. The roll-out of Phase 4 of the EPS program is scheduled to begin on 18 November 2019 with....
BY eSignly
Essentially, an electronic signature is an individual's consent to the particulars of a report communicated electronically as opposed to communicating with pen and paper.How are Digital Signature Solutions Used?The E-Sign Act, passed in 2000, permits....
BY eSignly
Do you want to know how to make your own electronic signature in Word? You're not alone. More than 1.2 billion people worldwide use Microsoft Office every day, and the chances are good that they use Microsoft Word to do it. The problem is, if you wan....