BY eSignly
According to a recent survey done Forrester Consulting, almost more than half of all digital software have failed to deliver at one point or another. An even shocking statistics indicate that almost third of all these software sometimes fails. But wh....
BY eSignly
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the way of operating businesses has been changed and businesses are following remote business approach for their business continuity. The remote working approach has eliminated the friction caused by handwritten signatures....
BY eSignly
The work environment has drastically changed.Before the COVID-19 pandemic, employers and employees were already exploring the possibilities of "work anywhere" technology. eSignatures offered the paperless, frictionless flexibility that made work....
BY eSignly
Contemporary entrepreneurs have no choice but to catch up with the latest technology to stay relevant. Gone are the days when getting signatures from third parties or more than two signatories was a complicated process. For starters, one had to print....
BY eSignly
While the rest of the world is harnessing this potential cost-saving method of increasing document processing speed, how come real estate lags behind?Digital signature solutions are leveraged by smart organizations to speed up the work process a....
BY eSignly
The UK is set to roll out electronic prescriptions across the nation which means that all prescriptions by GPs are going to be issued through digital platforms. The roll-out of Phase 4 of the EPS program is scheduled to begin on 18 November 2019 with....
BY eSignly
Electronic signatures are becoming more common in modern business environments. They allow companies to sign documents electronically rather than physically sending them to customers, business partners, vendors, or employees.There are many benef....
BY eSignly
As we increasingly rely on online communication channels for information exchange and communication, security issues will only get more pressing. We are slowly but surely moving into a virtual realm, where we will have an easier time interacting....
BY eSignly
Every department of the insurance business has to read with a huge amount of paperwork to perform their respective job responsibilities. In the traditional way of business, it becomes a massive task to draft each document, send it to every desk and t....
BY eSignly
E-signature software allows sending, receiving, and signing documents electronically. This eliminates the need for physical distribution. For example, e-signature software makes sending a contract or document requiring electronic signatures easy. The....
BY eSignly
The topic of esignatures for tax forms is relatively new.This is because the IRS requires paper signatures on all tax forms.However, some tax forms have seen their rules change in recent years.The IRS is always looking for ways to improve its operati....
BY eSignly
Different countries have provided laws to help with legal enforceability of eSign solutions in the past decade, however, only a couple of years has the electronic signature industry seen a trend towards wider adoption of the esign online electronic s....