
Unlocking the Power of Electronic Signatures: Understanding the Legal Implications and Advantages

Power of E-Signatures: Understanding the Legal Implications and Pros

In any Organisation, invoices represent more than 20% to 30% of the total letter/ signed document volume. These invoices are printed, signed, and transported to the recipients leading to delays in receipt and involving high costs and efforts.

Electronic invoicing or e-invoicing saves a considerable amount of time, effort, and costs involved in invoicing process and is environment friendly. Electronic invoices are easy to archive and retrieve later. Digital signatures also provide enhanced security and authenticity to the e-invoices.

Other benefits of digitally signing invoices:

  1. Electronic documents can be immediately delivered to recipients over email and the sender has proof of receipt
  2. Digital signatures can protect the authenticity and integrity of archived data
  3. Companies can have integrated workflow - signing, transfer, and processing of electronic documents can happen within the existing system itself
  4. Digital signatures provide a green, environment-friendly alternative to paper-intensive processes
  5. Digital signatures are as legally valid as handwritten signatures

The digitally signed e-invoicing notification is a major step for organizations to go electronic with their processes.

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