As not all of us have printers in our houses, this used to be our time taking task as we had to go to the nearby printing shop, take a print of the PDF, and then find a scanner that can scan the signed PDF.
However, fortunately, those days are gone and now we can perform PDF signatures by using esignature solutions.
Most of the time, we have to sign a pdf when we are applying for any banking product or investment product, or when we are submitting a resume, or when we are applying for a university, and more.
Application and approval is anyway a time taking process, especially when we perform it in a traditional way. However, with an electronic signature for free, we can perform it from the comfort of our home, using our smartphones.
If you are curious to know how you can do it, stick to us, we will walk you through the whole process step by step. Individuals, business organizations, government, and banking sectors, all can be benefited by understanding the use of an eSignature solution for banking.
What is a Digital Signature Solution?

Digital Signature Solution or any electronic signature for free is a tool or software that offers an easy and faster signing process to allow a safe signing experience.
Sharing and management of the documents are possible too. The signing Process is safe for one more reason as it also makes it possible to identify the singer. This is done through a unique private key that is generated once the signer signs the document.
Once the signature is made the singer gets connected to the document in an encrypted format. Any attempt to change the sign or the content post-signature is tracked immediately and it turns the whole document invalid saving signers from further trauma.
As per the ESIGN Act, 2000, electronic signatures are as valid as traditional signatures and hence they have legal backing too.
Esignature solutions are used not just for the PDF signature process but also to manage documents safely. Here are a few reasons why this solution is gaining popularity and trust among people:
Positive Customer Relation
In today's fast-paced and hectic world hardly anybody would have time to wait for days for the completion of the documentation or to stand in long queues in front of banks or government offices.
Those days are gone when students would not mind standing for hours just to submit one application form for enrollment into their favorite college. People are smart enough to value their time and money. To make sure your customers do not have to go through the same trauma, again and again, you have to take the help of technology.
As a matter of fact, your customers and people are expecting it from you. Deploying the best electronic signature service will save customers time by offering them to sign remotely through their smartphones, and submit the documents online.
Your customers will be more than happy to deal with you and trust you if they know you are valuing their time.
Minimize Costs
Digital signature solutions do not demand customers to spend money on stationery and postage. Neither of the parties has to worry about printing documents, sticking stamps, mailing or faxing, etc.
With an internet connection and a computer device, customers can sign the document and submit them within a few minutes. They can do it while sipping on coffee, relaxing in their rocking chair. As far as the cost of your business is concerned you do not have to spend money on building and maintaining an infrastructure to store all the physical paperwork.
You can store any amount of electronic and online data in the cloud easily.
Read the blog- Electronic Signature or E-Signature: Cost-Effective Business Solutions in the USA
One more fact to pay attention to is that digital signature solutions are here to stay and the future is going to be full of digitization.
Closing Deals Quickly
Making a PDF signature using esignature solutions means no need to waste time in waiting for the main to arrive.
The drafter of the document will share the document with the signer; it can be anything, an application, an agreement. The sooner will open the electronic document and sign it using a stylus, or typing a name or checking on 'I AGREE' and more.
This whole process can be completed within a few minutes. If it is a business transaction then it means you can get the payment quickly as the deal is closed; if it is an enrollment form then it means you are providing a positive experience to the students and parent; if it is a bank loan application then it means your customers are happier to be associated with you as you cared to complete the procedure quickly and the customer can now avail the loan.
Monitoring and Track Status
One of the reasons PDF signature is done using digital signature solutions is that it is possible to track the process.
Tracking and monitoring the PDF is crucial to the business as well as to the signer. It ensures the safety of the document and its content. Plus, all the parties are aware of who is signing the document and who is not.
Identifying the document via signature and private is also possible. Using an electronic signature for free can also help.
Signing Order
Esignature solutions offer this feature when the document has multiple parties or singers and a signing order has to be decided.
According to the decoded signing order, the signers get notifications or invitations for signatures. This streamlines the process of documentation and makes it easier to keep track.
Document Accuracy
While preparing a document in a traditional way, the signatory sometimes misses the page or wrongly mentioned inaccurate data.
If this happens the whole process has to be started from the beginning which takes another few days for the completion of the signature. Using an esignature solution for banking, such mistakes and subsequent delays can be avoided.
Alert From the Above-Mentioned Benefits, Using Digital Signature Solutions Offers Features and Benefits Like:
Bulk Sending
Audit Trails
Regulatory Compliance
Flexibility and comfort
User-friendly built, and more.
While enjoying all the above-mentioned benefits, here is how you can make a PDF signature. All the user has to do is:
Download the PDF on the computer device you are using.
Open the PDF.
Click on the preferable signing method to show your co sent to the content.
Download the signed PDF and send it back to the drafter without having to worry about the safety of the data.
Using a digital PDF signature solution, users can sign any document in any format without compromising time and safety.
Users have the liberty to choose the type of signature they wish to perform to show their consent to the content. Once the PDF signature is made, the singer will get connected to the document in an encrypted format.
Once signed the content or the dog store cannot be changed or edited or removed. Across the globe, the digital signature solution is being used to make sure the deals get closed quickly, time gets saved, productivity gets boosted, and most of all the need of being present everywhere gets reduced.