There are many types of electronic signatures. They are regulated by eIDAS. The European Regulation on Electronic IDentification Authentication and Signature establishes the conditions for mutual survey in electronic identification.
It sets the standard rules for web authentication, electronic signatures, and trust services.
A simple or weak electronic workflow is a collection of data in electronic format. According to the eIDAS Regulation, they are 'attached to or logically associated with other electronic data and used to sign.' It can be described as weak or straightforward because it serves only one purpose: to provide computer authentication for an electronic document.
There is also the advanced electronic signature. This is more secure than the previous one because it is only linked to the signatory, and the means used to create it, are under his sole control.
This type of signature is attached to subscribed data so that subsequent modifications can be identified. The graph metric signature is an example of an advanced E-signature solution.
Digital is real
The graph metric electronic sign is precisely that. It is attached with a manual movement, similar to signing on paper, but performed on a device that can recognize and acquire the activities of the hand that usually holds a pen or stylus.
These are signatures people are familiar with making on specific tablets. They do not need to be printed but are digitally authenticated. These systems monitor the security of this type of solution by checking the correspondence between the signature of the person concerned and its validation.
A graphologist can verify the authenticity of a document as well as its validity if it is disputed.
The qualified electronic signature is a particular type of advanced electronic sign that, according to the eIDAS regulation, "is created by a qualified electronic signing creation device and based upon a qualified digital certificate in electronic signatures." This signature is unique in that it identifies the holder.
It is the legal equivalent of a handwritten signature.
An electronic signature certificate is what enables qualified electronic signatures. An electronic attestation binds the signature validation data with a person and confirms either his name or pseudonym.
The certificate must be issued only by a qualified trust provider organization that meets the requirements of the eIDAS Regulation. Qualified electronic signatures can be generated using a dedicated signature device (smartcard, USB stick or token, mobile authentication code OTP, and SMS).
These devices must also comply with security requirements to ensure that the private key used to protect the data is confidential.
Use Cases
There is a growing demand for digital signature services and Online ( Online) activation due to the difficulties of visiting a branch or bank to validate documents and contracts.
This allows for the activation of activities that would typically require the signatory to be present in person at a branch or bank to validate documents and contracts. It also dematerializes the customer identification and authentication phases, followed by the documents' actual signing.
Digital workflows can significantly simplify customer relationships, banks, and insurance companies. The system reduces the need to manage digital documents in paper format and is an essential enabler of dematerialization.
It also has significant benefits in terms of cost savings and reduced resource waste. The Online recognition mode via the internet cam completes the digital signature. It consists of a device, a subscription certificate, and a device.
This allows the user to verify their identity and consent to signing documents. Digital technology provides for completing procedures requiring lengthy waits and trips to branches.
Does the electronic signature have security?
The electronic signature at its highest level is secure. It is safe because it meets all of the above requirements and allows for the integration of a face-to-face mode via webcam to validate the signature's will.
It is impossible to fake the electronic signature because it has been issued by an official European body recognized by the European Union. This European body has also completed all security procedures during access. The qualified electronic signature, also known as a digital signature, has clearly defined regulatory restrictions regarding how identity is verified and how signature keys are protected.
The legal value of an electronic signature is the same as a handwritten signature. However, other levels of electronic signatures have evidence value. It is legally recognized by all EU Member States.